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Polish relatvies?

My father came from Poland when WW2 started. How would I go about finding any relatives there?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi, Noodles.. I also have Polish lineage, and always mention Michener's novel about Poland as a enjoyable means of getting background. A bit off the usual research sources, but I highly reccomend it.
Hopefully, you have the names of both his parents? Relatives can be from either side. Have you tried running the surname through the family files on rootsweb? Maybe your dad's immediate family is not there, but if the name is, you can browse the entries, looking for a pattern or even name of towns.
That era was a difficult one, for obvious reasons. If your lineage is Jewish, it may have been traumatic for your father. Some deal with it by never discussing it, others made efforts to preserve the family stories. My family was Catholic, but the destruction of churches means records were destroyed.
Of course, don't overlook the option of running the name plus the word Poland through google. Entries may come up, in Polish, but there are translator sites online.