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Position:Home>Genealogy> Did you have a male caucasian child on June 2, 1968 at Roanoke Memorial Hospital


Did you have a male caucasian child on June 2, 1968 at Roanoke Memorial Hospital in Roanoke, Virginia?

My husband asks that I post this question for him. He is the child in question. He was adopted and would like to find his birth mother and/or father. He was adopted by a WONDERFUL couple who raised him with unconditional love and affection. He loves his adoptive parents very much, but has always been very curious about his birth parents. He is not bitter about the adoption. He only wants to know about this other part of his life. Please--no pranksters.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think you could contact the local papers in Roanoke, if the hospital will not help you with Info... There are some private investigater, that can help you also, but will cost some cash...Good luck in your search..