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Website I can search for relatives for free.?

I have a half brother, we share the same father who is now deceased. I am interested in locating him. Do you have any ideas.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I can help you.

Go to

This is the oldest and one of the largest genealogical websites.

Click on the link to the Social Security Death Index. Put in your father's name in the search engine. You'll find his date of death and location where his last check was sent.

Once you find the location of his death, go back to rootsweb. Click on the link to US gen web. Go to the state and county where he died. There will be a genealogical website that should, at the very least, give you links to a query board where you can ask someone for burial/obituary information. Every county genealogical page is different, and some may have this information right there on the page.

Good luck!