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Position:Home>Genealogy> Ball Family Tree, Looking for descendants of Arthur James Ball, Elsie Ellen Ball


Ball Family Tree, Looking for descendants of Arthur James Ball, Elsie Ellen Ball, Emily Ball + George & Family

All related to Arthur James Ball:
-Arthur James Ball deceased April 27, 1935 - Age: 47 years old @ Interment Prospect Cemetary d.o.b therefore is: 1888
-Elsie Ellen Ball wife of Arthur James Ball
-Emily (Sister to Arthur Ball)
-Brother-in-law George
-Neices Edna and Eileen and Nephew Gilbert
-Rose (nee: Ball - Sister) + Brother-in-Law Jimmy Robertson (confirmed true and is related)
James (Jimmy) Robertson Died:July 13, 1949
Interment Park Lawn Cemetary
-Edna lived in Toronto
-Rose (Rosie) Robertson (nee: Ball) lived in Toronto
-Millie moved from Malton in 1950's/60's
-Edward (Ted/Teddy) & Elise Veryan (nee: Ball) Lived on Shaw Dr. in Mississauga.
-Violet & Nicholas (Ed) lived in S. Mississauga.
Would like to hear from anyone having these connections in their family tree's and would like to share family tree info.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The best place to put this information is It is the oldest free genealogical website, and most researchers check in there. Go there and click on Message Boards. Put the information you have on the Ball message board and the county board where they lived. You are more likely to find cousins by doing that.

Another thing to do at rootsweb is to check World Connect for trees with these people. There will be an email link with each family tree and you'll be able to contact your fellow Ball researchers directly.