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Position:Home>Genealogy> Anyone know the origin of this last name? Fuoko?


Anyone know the origin of this last name? Fuoko?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, it might sound Japanese or Oriental, or <fill in the blank> but that is not reliable. The best way to find it, is trace your ancestry (if this is your family) back to the person who came to the US. Wait, maybe this isn't someone in the US?
Tracing a name (which is just a label) is a common question here. And it's fine if that is all someone wants. But it does not tell you anything for certain.
Look in rootsweb family files, and see if you find the name or a pattern. Or you can go to and use one of the beginner's tutorials. You can find a mailing list from rootsweb for almost any country in the world, when you are sure of where you need to be researching.