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Position:Home>Genealogy> I found out yesterday that my grandmother was Amerindian (Carib) and I want to r


I found out yesterday that my grandmother was Amerindian (Carib) and I want to register?

Wouldn't that make me 1/4 Carib? I know that there is not a lot of Carib left, but how do I register since the Caribs mainly live in the Caribbean (my father is from the Caribbean)?

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5 months ago
And would it be better if I put Native American has my race for benefits in the US?

5 months ago
All you all idiots? Caribs ARE Native American because America= NORTH AMERICA. If that was the issue, than the Aztecs would not be considered NA because they do not live in the "US".

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 months ago
And would it be better if I put Native American has my race for benefits in the US?