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Loking for grandkids that were adopted?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In reply to your question you should try and contact that lady who offers help for free and she is very good I might add, she found someone for me, I don't know how she does it but she is brilliant, if you wish to find out her name just email me and I will send you her contact details. Good luck.
As for you DeeJay, what gives you the right to question someones motives for wanting to find their grand-kids, it has nothing to do with you. It's my opinion that when some marriages come to an end the ex daughter-in-law develops a very VINDICTIVE STREAK, It sounds to me like that is the case with the ladies daughter or daughter-in-law, so unless you know the full details, then keep your Neb out, it's nothing to do with anyone else, but the lady asking the question. The world is full of do gooder's like your self, you don't actually do any good you just infuriate people.