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Position:Home>Genealogy> I am a big fan of Thomas Harris' books (except the latest one) and named my son


I am a big fan of Thomas Harris' books (except the latest one) and named my son Lecter. I'm getting heat from

my wifes family. Do you think he will have problems with other kids growing up? It just doesn't seem to me that the name would lead anyone to pick on him. What do you think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Anytime I am online, I make a big effort to stay neutral and disagree in a courteous manner. In responding here, I think that the general theme of this author is not one that most persons would see as positive. I actually haven't read Harris (or seen the movies). He may be a talented writer.. but that doesn't change that the stories have a very negative direction, and that is phrasing it tactfully.
I think there have been studies relating to the impact of a child's name on his interaction and how others percieve him/ her. In this instance, you might want to look at some of those studies. Not to be hostile... but I strongly have to agree with your inlaws that this name could lead to problmes. You and I as adults have grown past that kind of prejudice, but children can be very cruel.
I respect that you enjoy this author, but my suggestion is that you might shift your own thinking and see it from the view of your child, and his later feelings.