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Looking for my biological mother...?

I was adopted when I was a baby, AND unfortunately never got a chance to meet my biological family. I am very grateful for the mother and father I was given because they have been amazing, but I have always longed to meet my bio mother. My adoption was closed so I have no information pertaining to her, but I found out she was raped and that's when I was conceived. I live in Tampa and know the hospital I was born at in Tampa. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to do? I have tried the national adoption registry, but am not really sure of what else to do. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Even though Florida is a "closed record" state, if you are of age you can still request your Non-identifying information. Non-Identifying information is, as the name implies, information which does not include identifying information such as names, addresses, dates of birth, etc. Non-identifying information may provide additional information and clues you may not already have. I once helped a friend in Oregon locate her mother just from the non-identifying information. Each piece by itself didn't mean much, but put together, it painted a picture.

Upon request, all non-identifying information, including the family medical history and social history (meaning "heritage") , about the adoptee and the adoptee's birth parents "must" be furnished to adult adoptees and/or adoptive parents.

Your request should be made in writing.
Adoptees should note in their request the names of their adoptive parents.

A copy of your driver's license or notarized proof of identification is required, and you must state your role in this adoption (adoptee, adoptive mother/father).

For information on how to request non-identifying information, contact Lorraine Kratz, Records Center Manager for the Office of Vital Statistics Adoption Unit at 904-359-6900 ext. 1081 or Cristina Serrano, ext. 1086.

I hope this information helps!!

You might want to also want to look into joining the Florida Adoption Reunion Registry. For more information you can take a look at their website
