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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can I search and speak to someone in Spain about geneology?


How can I search and speak to someone in Spain about geneology?

I am doing lineage on my family. I know that I still have family members in Spain, but I would like to find ways that I can find someone there that is doing the same thing. And hopefully help me.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This site may help. They are a Spanish site claiming to investigate Spanish ancestry. I don't know a whole lot about them, though. If they don't work, use the google language tool to do a search for ancestry or geneology (Translate to Spanish first) with a restriction to Spanish sites.

It's worth it if it works, though. I hear Spain was much more liberal when designating titles of nobility to it's citizens back in the day, so you could be in for a pleasant surprise.