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Is the name Sizemore a Cherokee Indian name? What does Sizemore mean?

Looking for some Sizemore, Gabbard, Boone ties. I think Mathias Gabbard was a full Blooded Cherokee under the Sizemore family.
Does anyone have any Gabbard relation from Kentucky?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you use, the mailing lists (free) include one for Cherokee genealogy. I am subbed to that list, and there are some really skilled researchers there, with know how on the best resources.
Off the top of my head.. seems like I have heard the Sizemore name mentioned as Native, but not confident that it is Cherokee or another tribe?
One other logical place is genforum, which I am sure would have a Sizemore family board. Use the search box for Cherokee, and it will pull any comments containing that. Don't forget to also use same search for the other surnames, for any posts including them.