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Position:Home>Genealogy> Who is Rachel Pennington b.(1817) and Sam Johnson (1808-1902) relation, are they


Who is Rachel Pennington b.(1817) and Sam Johnson (1808-1902) relation, are they related to William Gabbard?

Looking for relations for/between these two and how do they tie into Pocahontas?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: William Gabbard m. Rachel Elizabeth Johnson who was dau of Samuel Johnson/Johnston & Rachel Pennington who was dau. of Abel Pennington & Elizabeth Bowling who was dau. of Mary Pennington & Jesse Bowling who was son of Martha Phelps & Benjamin Bowling who was son of Elizabeth Blair & John Bowling who was son of Mary Kennon & John Bowling who was son of Robert Bowling/Bolling & Jane Rolfe who was dau. of Jayne Poythres & Thomas Rolfe who was son of John Rolfe and Pocahontas.