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Position:Home>Genealogy> Redently Pauline Hanson underwent a DNA test that showed her that she has 9% mid


Redently Pauline Hanson underwent a DNA test that showed her that she has 9% middle eastern heritage?

I am curious to know what tests were done to give her the break down and how do you go about having the test done yourself to find out what heritage you have ....
as I am in australia .... the best answer would have to be considerate of that ( ie no use telling me that some university in Ohio does the tests .. )
thanks in advance

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4 months ago
EDIT: there are though DNA markers that can indicate heritage .. such as the possible signs of sickle cell anemia and other indicators that would give you an idea of some heritage.

4 months ago

like this?

4 months ago
or rather this?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 4 months ago
EDIT: there are though DNA markers that can indicate heritage .. such as the possible signs of sickle cell anemia and other indicators that would give you an idea of some heritage.