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How can I find out about my heritage?

I know that I am part Indian, African American, and French. I just recently found out I am Irish, Scottish, and German from Well, they said Kibby is the americanized way of a german word Caerybi or something. So I figured I am part German. I want to know what my full heritage is though. Can I do it online or through blood? Please let me know. Thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are tons of sites online to work with your ancestry. has page after page of resources, but particular, I would take a minute for a beginning research how-to.
Friendly word of caution... everyone is unique, but their ACTUAL ancestry is based on the history of individuals in the direct lineage. Dna testing (if that is what you mean by blood) will not identify those persons, except if used in a comparison group.
Using a surname to determine ancestry is extremely unreliable. You need to work back, one generation at a time, and find where they actually came from. It can be completely different from where a name (which is just a label) comes from. There is no guarantee that Kibby comes from German. It could be a alternate spelling of something else. has family files, and hundreds of entries for Kibby. One I noticed comes from England in the 1600's. Until you researched personally, you won't know if one of these files already has YOUR own family.