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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do I find my brother that was given up for adoption in 1961?


How do I find my brother that was given up for adoption in 1961?

I think he was born at St. Joseph's Hospital in Kirkwood Missouri.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Bless you for searching for your brother!

In legalese:
Overview of Missouri Adoption Information
Non-identifying information may be revealed by the agency or the court upon written request by adoptive parents, or adopted adult.
Missouri law provides that adult adoptees (age 21) may petition the court to receive information about their birth parent(s). If the adoption was instituted prior to August 13, 1986, the court must order court personnel or a child placing agency to contact the adoptee's adoptive parents. The court personnel or agency may not contact the birth parent(s) without the written permission of the adoptive parents. If the adoptive parents provide such permission, the agency or court personnel must attempt to contact the birth parent(s). Court personnel have three months to conduct such a search.
If a birth parent is contacted, he or she may file a consent to the release of identifying information. If a consent is not filed or the agency or court personnel are unable to notify the birth parent, information may not be released. For adoptions that took place after August 13, 1986, the permission of the adoptive parents is unnecessary. Identifying information regarding adult biological siblings of adult adoptees may be released by a court if it is found that such information is necessary for urgent health related purposes or if consent is provided by the adult biological sibling.
Mo. Rev. Stat. 453.131.

In English:
Everything you need to know related to searching for a Missouri adoptee is located at this page here

You may want to join this mailing list as well

It appears to be a rather quiet list right now.. only two posts total for the month of February, but they have an extensive archive that you'll want to go through. That archive would probably have information and links on the challenges you face in your own state.

Definitely register at the state run registry in the event he is seeking members of his first family, but don't get overly hopeful. The number of successful reunions from state run registries is only 4%. However as a sibling you do have the right to register and can do so by using the sibling form at the site below

Start a search diary now and keep notes on everything you find. Also make sure you have a good support network for yourself. The search process can be quite draining. But is very much worth it!

Best of luck to you!