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Position:Home>Genealogy> What do you think about your name?


What do you think about your name?

Do you find any point of contact between the meaning of your name and your personality?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have always liked my name. Before I was born, the child before me was a boy. My parents had a girls and a boys name picked out for him, because I was born in the days before sonograms. Then I came along and rather than use the name they had picked out for my brother, they opted for something else. My name is unique. There was only one time I had someone in the class with the same name and even then it was spelled different.

I am especially proud of my surname. It too is a rare name. I admire my ancestors who moved to America to make a better life for themselves and their family. I admire the way my gr grandfather started over in a country that was foreign to him and assimilated himself into the new society. Furthermore, I'm proud that he did it honestly and legally.

My first name means "Fair christian" My middle name means graceful and my last name is taken from and Java Indonesian word mean Dutchman or white man. As far as finding a point of contact between my name and my personality. I like to think that I would be considered a fair christian. As far as graceful goes, I have taken dance classes and twirled baton pretty successfully, I like to think that I am, but if you use my name and the word graceful in the same sentence, my husband usually laughs!
