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How to find your ancestors on line?

trying to find out were my ancestors came well as what tribe my grandmother native american family came from.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First start with where your grandmother was born. Go to, they list tribes by state. Call the tribal offices and ask if your grandmothers last name (or even her mother/father's last name (however far back you can go) is on thier rolls). If they say no then ask to submit an article to the tribal newspaper. In the article be as specific as possible and list as much information as possible. Native people within the tribe may read the newspaper and recognize the name as part of their family, then they can contact you.

Tracing Native ancestry can be very difficult. Some are never able to do it. In the past Native records including birth certificates were burned. Some people can never access relevant information.

Sometimes it is better to just become involved in the culture.

I know this isn't how to do it online but it is the most effective when dealing with Native roots.

Good Luck.