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Position:Home>Genealogy> Looking for Zubiller ancestors in Alsace-Lorraine, France and Germany. Can you


Looking for Zubiller ancestors in Alsace-Lorraine, France and Germany. Can you help?

A person in France told me there was a coat-of-arms for Zubiller at a museum in Munich, Germany. Where is this museum and how can I view and get copies of the coat-of-arms?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm not sure which museum you were told about. But I do know of A FABULOUS museum where you might be able to get better direction on your research. It's a national military museum in Luxembourg (just across the border from France and Germany) and the curator is very well-versed in military history and heraldry. He'll know which museums in the region have which collections, who to contact, which resources are archived but not digitized and on the internet. Most of all, he may find someone to work with you to pull information and help with your research.

His name is Roland and here's a link to the site: