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Position:Home>Genealogy> Family history of john lewsey died october 2002?


Family history of john lewsey died october 2002?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi Heather,
Is it the John Albert. H. Lewsey, who was born on18/05/1930, and died in October 2002 aged 72 years, in Chelmsford in Essex. If I have the right person I am happy to do a search for you to find out a little more information. .It is possible that John was an addition to his name he was actually named Albert H Lewsey, he was born in West-Ham, in Jul/Aug/Sep quarter, the volume number is 4a, and the page number is 2. His mums maiden name was Benn. His dad was named as Albert T Lewsey, they married in West-Ham in the Jan/ Feb/Mar quarter in 1930. He married Mary E Benn the volume number is 4a and the page number is 400. Hope that helps a little contact me if you need more Diane.