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Find family tree for Granado?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Sgutie1110,

There are over 300 entries for Granado in Family Search by LDS, the first web site. A family tree that applies to you would be made only by you, unless one of your brothers/sisters made it. Because your Mother and Father both contribute to your tree. Any Granado family tree may not be related to you, so, you should start with finding your immediate family records, You, your parents, your grandparents, etc. Get the Birth, Marriage and Death ( BMD) certificates for all that you can. Interview all your living relatives for Birth, Marriage, and Death dates, while the are still living. Then send away for Vital Records (BMD).

There are many records associated with the sites below, and organizing them, and ensuring that they fit into your tree will be a large, long term project. You should get some $30.00 software package to organize your tree. You will gain a lot of respect for your family as you do this too. Be sure to get stories about the people/ancestors, it will enrich your life.

This answer is more than you asked for, there are sites with Granado Tree's in them below!