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How to find a picture of my relatives?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have stumbled onto some wonderful old family pictures online, but they are a lucky exception to the rule.
Photos are almost always "family" records as compared to public records like marriages, land records and wills. If you start your research by identifying your grandparents, and all their children/ grandchildren.. that is one level. Now... find the great grandparents, and do the same for their descendents.
Many persons in doing research focus only on the direct line.. leaving out the siblings, uncles/aunts, cousins. Not good, in terms of opening up the locations where unknown relatives may have saved info or are looking like you.
The only caution is to remember that it is normally easier to find dead relatvies than live ones, for privacy reasons. But looking within your own family, asking questions, is more reliable than many general search engines.