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Position:Home>Genealogy> Looking for anyone with the surname Icenhower (any spelling of)?


Looking for anyone with the surname Icenhower (any spelling of)?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Kay,

That is what the Soundex calculator is for, so I can use your spelling and up will come other versions. See Ellis or Family, they both have a version. There are 119 with the spelling the way you have it in Family Search, with Soundex on. with Soundex off there are 97.

Ellis Island has none with exact spelling, but suggest the following spelling:
Isenhower 94% Two entries
Ichonauer 88%
Icumauer 88%

There is a GENFORUM, but only 1 message there, you should have a conversation with the poster of that message.

Living in the USA, there are too many for ZABASEARCH to post for all 50 states. This will give you living Icenhower's, but you will have to narrow down to what state.