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Position:Home>Genealogy> Was Vargas the family name of the former royal family of Spain?


Was Vargas the family name of the former royal family of Spain?

There is a rumor among my family that all Vargas' are descended from spanish nobility I was just wondering if there is any info available that could confirm or deny this.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No, Vargas is not the family name of the Spanish Royal Family.

The current royal family of Spain are the Bourbons (descendant from the Bourbons of France), who have been on the throne since 1700 - with a few exceptions during Napolenic times, Franco, etc.

Before the Bourbons, Spain was ruled by the Austrian Hapsburgs (from 1516).

Before the Hapsburgs, you had the joint monarchs of Ferdinand and Isabella, who were the first rulers of a nominally united Spain (from 1479).

I am sure there were/are Spanish nobles with the surname Vargas, but as another poster discusses, you may or may not be of any relation to them, you would actually have to trace your genealogy to determine this.