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Native American bloodline questions.?

According to my family, I'm about 1/4 Sioux (my maternal grandfather). However, I have very little information about his family other than old pictures and stories. Even a lot of the names are elusive, and the vast majority of that family is too old to remember specifics or have passed on. Based on the stories I know, it is likely that my Sioux bloodline was never actually on a reservation, and split and traveled away from the plains a very long time ago and settled in an area where Algonquins presently are (which makes me think that there may be Algonquin in with that Sioux). So how do you trace a splintered native bloodline? Also, I'd like to get in touch with those roots, maybe take a trip out to the plains and learn about the culture somewhat first-hand, see the area, etc., but am not sure how receptive the people would be to me. Any thoughts or ideas would be helpful. Thanks!

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4 months ago
I would like to thank you *all* for your answers, in one way or another they've all been extremely helpful and valuable. I don't feel right picking a 'best answer' because every one of you have been great! Thank you all again so much for the help and advice!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 4 months ago
I would like to thank you *all* for your answers, in one way or another they've all been extremely helpful and valuable. I don't feel right picking a 'best answer' because every one of you have been great! Thank you all again so much for the help and advice!