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Dreams about your ancestors??

I frequently have dreams where someone asks me if im jewish,or there is a jewish theme to the dream.

in one I ask someone if they are jewish and then tell them my g.grandmother was jewish and that her name was miriam?/

Even last night I had the weirdest dream where a group of women looked in my mouth and told me i was jewish like them.

I do not have any jewish ancestry that i know of,I do look kind of jewish.

Do you think we get hints about our ancestry through dreams?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Noyesno,

You are being called to do your Family Tree. Answer the call. It could just by your natural curiosity, all the interest lately generated about Genealogy, the fact that it is easier, or something more - ancestral. Answer the call, satisfy your dreams.

You do get hints, because you are a sum of all you have heard in your life. Your dreams are putting things together for you. In a Dream - Jewish might not be literal - it might mean something about a prejudice, or hatred in your ancestry, or something more obscure.