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Position:Home>Genealogy> Who out there are Noziglia family members?


Who out there are Noziglia family members?

I thought it would be interesting to establish a community of this unusual family name, and to share information about the background of the name.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Wow! It is rare isn't it? The members of the Noziglia family appear to be Italian in origin. If you wanted to start an online community I recommend setting up a Noziglia mailing list. Rootsweb will set one up for you for free and people can subscribe and unsubscribe and post their families. The nice thing is that those who subscribe will be truly interested in the Noziglia name. It even creates a searchable archive for future reference. You have to set up a free account to start one. Here is the link

I hope this helps and good luck!