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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone know where Clara JANE (Auvil) born 5 May 1954 might be located?


Does anyone know where Clara JANE (Auvil) born 5 May 1954 might be located?

She has blue eyes, light olive complexion, light brown hair....lived in Tarkington & DeBerry, TX, Poughkeepsie, AR and possibly Memphis, TN. Her family is trying to locate her, they want to know that she is okay and doing well! Have her contact her family, please!!! Thank you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Mary Quite Contrary,

I tried looking for her in ZABASEARCH, assuming AUVIL is the maiden name, and that maybe she did not get married. No CJ Auvil of that age was found in the USA. If you went to school with her, or know where she went to school, perhaps you could search in Here are some private investigation sites also.