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Position:Home>Genealogy> My great,great,great, grandfather came from Ireland in 1828. How do I find out w


My great,great,great, grandfather came from Ireland in 1828. How do I find out what county he came from?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Unfortunently, there is unlikely to be a easy way to accomplish this task:

First, get your ggg-grandfather's death certificate - it may have his place of birth - this may not be accurate, but it's one clue.

Did he marry in the U.S.? If so, his marriage certificate may have his place of birth.

Whether or not these records are available depends on the state - some states (such as Massachusetts) have excellent records for all births, marriages, and deaths (and have indexed and made them available for searching), while other states (most Southern and Western states, for example) don't start good record-keeping until the early 20th century, which would prob. be too late for a 1828 immigrant.

You also can find your ggg-grandfather in every census he appeared in (taken every 10 years). If he was still alive in 1850, his place of birth will be specifically enumerated - while the census taker was suppose to just list a foreign country, oftentimes they listed more and you could get lucky.

Did he become a U.S. Citizen? If so, his naturalization records will have his place of birth. These records weren't centralized until 1906, so you'll have to look a bit harder to find them (but many have been indexed)

Did he serve in the Civil War? Depending on how old he was when he came over, he could be the right age to have served - his military and pension records can have a ton of information.

These are some of the places you can check. Good luck!