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What am i?

My grand mother previously told me that we were part british. But my real family origin is italian, how do i fugure out who is right i feel more british then these in my family, pa dutch, german, and italian. Please give me a website that is free of charge or just help me out.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you really want to know 'what you are' you have to trace your ancestry. There are many books on how to get started (check your local library) and (pay) sites such as and have free information sections that tell you how to get started: try for the basics on how to get started.

Your question seems to assume you are either Italian or British - you may well be both. Now-a-days, many if not most Americans are a mix of many national origins. If you trace your lines, you may find surprises.

Lastly, if you "feel" British, that's great. You don't have to be of any british descent, nor majority british to be an Anglophile. Cultural identify is often seperate from 'blood' identity. Since it's largely a self-selected choice, if you want to emphisize your british heritage, do so.