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My mother was adopted but I do not know her birth name?

My mother was adopted by her fathers sister circa 1949. She is now deceased and I am starting a family history. My brother and I are the only descendants. How can I find out her birth name or adoption papers so I can start tracing back her family history.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Welll, your mother wasn't adopted by strangers, but by a member of her father's family. Do you know the full name of the woman who adopted her? Do you know where they lived at the time? If you do, start with local records of marriage, etc. If you can find the maiden name of the woman who adopted your mother, you've got a great start. There are many great research sites on the web for genealogy. You'd be surprised how much you can find just by going to one of them and putting a name into their search feature. Local newspapers are another good source of information. Have you seen your mother's obituary, or that of the woman who adopted her? Many little bits of information can be obtained that way. Do you know anyone who knew the family in the past? Don't be afraid to write letters, make phone calls, and ask questions. Just keep digging until you find something, then follow that clue until it leads you to something else, and so on. It could take time, but it's fun and rewarding. Good luck.

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