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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can I trace my family tree as cheap as possible?


How can I trace my family tree as cheap as possible?

I've wanted to do it for a long time, but it seems to be pretty expensvie the further back you go. I've always been told we have Russian royalty in our family way back so I'm curious to know if what I've been told has a ring of real truth. Not to be able to claim anything but just to actually find out. My family were Russian/Polish jews so may not be able to get far. Who can point me in the right direction of a good website. Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Chris C,

The cheapest way to go way back is to find other people that have already done most of the work. That way, you can concentrate on the Root/Trunk of your Genealogy Family Tree. You should get some Software so that when you get research from other people you can analyze what parts of it you want to keep. Good software is about $30.00, and that is well spent - you can get some free time on or when you buy the software too. Be sure to turn them off when the free trials are over. There you can get Trees from searches of your base information compared to the trees that they have. This will fill in branches you never thought you had!

Vital Records are KEY to your proof that Russian Royalty is there or not. So, be sure to verify each link is correct. Here are some good places and software sites for you.

For each SURNAME in your tree base, you can go to GENFORUM and search for a forum for that surname. This is important for you - because you will find people have done research there and are willing to share!

Good luck and enjoy your project!