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How do I find Indian great grandmother?

Her name was Emily and she married Thomas Jones in Alabama in 1800`s.
Any help will help out greatly,thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Before you explore if Emily was or was not Indian, it is necessary to determine her full maiden name and names of her parents. That is just run of the mill research.
To do this, you need to verify that your "base" information is reliable.. ie you, your parents, et al. Needless to say, there are 47 trillion Jones out there. When you DOCUMENT the more recent generations, you will have something to pinpoint them... example, a son, George Jones, born in Coffee co, Alabama about 1875. Whole lot easier to find them that way, than to dig through every county in the state, hoping for a lucky hit.
If you are new to research, remember that family memories and so forth are just the stuff to start with. You start doing hard core research when you have all the memories available.. and now see where there are gaps. Filling in the gaps is the challenge of genealogy.