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Position:Home>Genealogy> Are there any members of the Akers clan out there in New Jersey?


Are there any members of the Akers clan out there in New Jersey?

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4 months ago
I only met my Akers grandmother once before I started school, and don't know her first name. Grandfather died before I was born. Don't know anyone from the Akers side. Frustrating cause all of my mother's family died at early ages. Neither brother nor baby sister know anything about their father's family.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 4 months ago
I only met my Akers grandmother once before I started school, and don't know her first name. Grandfather died before I was born. Don't know anyone from the Akers side. Frustrating cause all of my mother's family died at early ages. Neither brother nor baby sister know anything about their father's family.