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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone have any information on Arbuckle Island in Sebastian county in Arkan


Does anyone have any information on Arbuckle Island in Sebastian county in Arkansas?

I live close by and I am just looking to see what i can learn about it

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A search engine will find all kinds of references to Arbuckle Island, AR. You can also check the Fort Smith Library and the Scott-Sebastian Region Library. Their local history records probably include Arbuckle Island information.
Because of continued fighting among the Osage and Cherokee, in 1821, the U.S. government ordered the Seventh Infantry to move from Fort Scott, Kansas, and St. Louis Bay, Missouri, to Fort Smith. Under the command of General Mathew Arbuckle, the companies arrived at the post on February 26, 1822.

For his long military service, Arbuckle was granted more than 20,000 acres of land. Part of this grant is a section called Arbuckle Island. The county seat in 1835 was at Crawford Old Court House on Arbuckle Island. Built in 1822, the courthouse was relocated to Van Buren after a deal was reached to redraw the county lines in 1836. Arbuckle Island and the surrounding area are all part of the present-day city of Lavaca.