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Position:Home>Genealogy> Looking for infos about Archibald Mcbean who maried Helen Gordon sept,8 1836 at


Looking for infos about Archibald Mcbean who maried Helen Gordon sept,8 1836 at Gore catholic mission Peel Ont

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do you have his parents' names or his birth date/year?

I wasn't able to find him by his spouse's name or by the marriage date.

The closest I could find was an "Archibald Mc Vean," son of Alexander and Sarah who married a Helen Gordon. However, he was born in 1751 in Scotland and died in 1833 according to OneWorldTree. (They had 7 daughters and two sons, and he also has a marriage to Margaret Seton.)

If that sounds familiar, email or IM me and I'll give you what it has.