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How do you define nationality?

Especially in countries like the US, Australia,Canada and the UK where there is such a diverse range of people.My dad was Irish my mum English if I was born in China does that make me Chinese?
Do we define nationality to the country we are born in or our heritage?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think it's a little of both, really. Most of my ancestors have been in what is now the U.S. since the 1600s, so I think of myself simply as "American;" but certainly there are times when I also think of myself as Dutch-American, Irish American, and even (a little bit) Native American. Mostly, I think it's the way you think of yourself that matters. Since you were raised by two people from the UK, and presuming that is your genetic heritage as well, I would think that you would probably identify with your parents' countries of origin rather than considering yourself "Chinese." Similarly, I descend from people who are (mostly) European, but some of whom moved to Texas when it was still part of Mexico; I may consider myself a Texan, but I don't consider myself "Mexican" because I have no Hispanic genetic heritage (that I know of), even though, strictly speaking, I could be said to have Mexican lineage.

Confusing, isn't it?? :-)