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Genealogy Question?

There's this website called 700000 people connected to European royalty are these people connected to European royalty?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you go to the site and trace back through the parents and grandparents and great-gp's far enough you'll hit royalty, that's how. Many are the result of an unmarried woman and a royal sire.

My link to Charlemagne, Emperor of the West and King of the Franks, depends on 1,200 years of record keeping, through fire, flood, worms, the fury of the Norsemen and the Black Plague. In one place our royal blood depends on a lady who worked in a castle, came up pregnant without a husband, and told her parents it was the King.

Well, let's see. Assume you are in that lady's situation. You can approach HRH and say coyly "Oh, you royal stallion, you've done it again." If the child is a boy and looks like him, the king may make him an earl, and you can live out your days in an upstairs suite in your son's country manor, with a maid. On the other hand, if you tell the hulking young assistant gardener that you have to get married, you'll end up living in a hut at the foot of the Royal Onion Patch, cooking for a man who washes his feet every other month. Some women are practical.

I told my kids not to give themselves airs.

If it is a pay site, there are others.