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How do I start my geneology?

I'd like to learn more about my ancestors, but problem is, I don't really talk to any of my family and don't know any names farther back than my great grandparents. How would I even begin to start going further back?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What you already "know" is called preliminary research. You need to be certain that you take the info you presently have been given, and BACK IT UP with independent sources and documents. Exactly what those documents are, will depend on the time frame and the location. For instance, birth/death certificates as we know them, are generally a product of the 1900's. Before they were issued, other items like church records, tombstones, census records serve the purpose.
THOSE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS form the foundation, and will "lead" to the next level. IE.. birth certificates, when found, have the name of the parents.. as do death certificates.
After you have pulled the preliminary stuff together... look at the gap in your information. What do you LACK... and use the internet, to see what there is that is likely to answer the question. Example... you know dad died in Texas... look at the child's records to pin down WHERE in Texas... and look for cemetery records for that county (or biographies, or wills, or....) Of course, you keep your eyes open for others with the same name as you are looking... 2 weeks later, it may hit you that this is the grandfather that you didn't expect.
One site I highly suggest is, with thousands of resources. Browse through them, and the light will start going off in your head as to what is out there.
Remember this... when no one has the answer to give you, when it is not already posted online... that is when YOU ARE DOING real research.