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Help--how would you do your ancestorial line in this instance?

I never had a close relationship with my father--well I thought he was my father--until I was 28 years old and had to have blood on hand for a surgery. I went to my mother, brother and father and no matches. So my mother had to fess up who my father was. I now want to do a geneology search, should I go with my biological father or the man that is on my birth certificate. I did meet my biological father and we had a good relationship for 3 years until he died. His other children even acknowledeged me as a sibling and I was listed in the obituary.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: am in the middle as we speak, of looking for my son in laws bio family (he is adopted). TECHNICALLY speaking, your genealogy is your biological family. Your situation is one excellent example of when "hiding" the truth is not good.
But, you don't have any reason to limit yourself, if you feel that you love your 'other' father. Trace his lineage also, and keep in separate file. Unlike many bio fathers, sounds like your bio family welcomes you. Makes it easier. Right now, I am treading carefully and discreetly, since the adoptive mom is extremely possesive and pathological, and would be very outraged.