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How many Chinese descend from Marco Polo?

What detail is needed?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: More or less than 2,541,865,828 Chinese descendants.

Evidences are the following:

1. Unless Marco was homosexual, he liked sex like all men do (including Italians!!!). Could he abstain from sex for such long periods of time? The answer is no, so he could has had sex with Chinese women.

2. Which were the methods Chinese women used to prevent pregnancy in 1200AC? Were they effective? I don't think so.

3. Did Marco share with others all what he did in China? Before dying he was asked to tell the truth on regards his journey to China and he answered all was true but it was only half of what he experienced. Descendants should be one of the chapters in the story he didn't share.

4. Human beings needn't to be married to have babies!!! :o)

Our genetic project has to be calculated following the criteria developed below:

To calculate all Marco's descendants: 24 generations from 1200AC up to the present + 3 descendants per generation is 3^24=282,429,536,481

To calculate only Chinese descendants: only 3% of the total descendants could have born in China with Chinese mothers: 8,472,886,094

From this figure we have to separate those dying in wars, natural disasters, hungry, diseases, etc. And finally those who migrated from China. We have to reduce 30% again to reach the figure I included in the beginning of the answer.