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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do I find my son just by his birth name?


How do I find my son just by his birth name?

he was born jan 31,1979 in Lynnwood,Ca. His birth name is Tommy Allen John jasso. He may go by Thomas A Navarro. He was kidnapped from me by his father on xmas eve in 1981 in Charleston,WV. I will never stop looking for him

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I suggest that first you search down the father who kidnapped your child. If and and when you find him, then perhaps law enforcement would go ask him where your son is, or maybe accompany you while you ask even if you have to rent an offduty cop or sheriff's deputy in uniform to go with you. Or maybe your son will have a phone listed nearby his father.

Another route - your son's grandmother or his father's sisters, anyone close to that side of the family could help put you in touch.

You might find him right close to where you last knew him to be - but up the road in PA.