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The last name grams?

i am trying to look up my family history and don't know my dad so its kinda hard. so if anyone could give me any information on the last name grams it would be wonderful.

i know that my great great great grandfathers name was ludwig(not sure of the spelling) and he came to the u.s in 1896 from posen, germany (which is now poland). and he married a woman named otillie and had at least one child named frederick.

also, if anyone knows anything about the last name chorkey.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am doing the same thing... most of the info i got was from the Mormon church. if you have one in your area you can go there and use there computers for free and they have the best records. then you can also go to Ellis island site and go through the real records and find out lots of info. you can also go to the city that he came to first and check the county records for all things marriage deaths births... good luck