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When was kingtut was born?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: King Tut
Born: 1341 B.C.
Birthplace: Egypt
Died: c. 1323 B.C. at approx. age 17-18.
Ancient Egyptian ruler The 1922 discovery of the tomb was by archaeologist Howard Carter. Tut's tomb was filled with furniture and other beautiful objects, and the golden death mask which covered his mummy is now a famous relic of the ancient world. Before Carter's discovery, Tutankhamen was practically unknown and his life still remains something of a mystery; probably he was the 12th ruler in Egypt's 18th Dynasty. Tut most likely was the son of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (also known as Akhenaten), and was married to his probable half-sister Ankhesenamun, the daughter of Akhneten and the famous Queen Nefertiti. Tut died when he was about 18, having ruled for nine years, and so is often called the Boy King. Tut's death is something of a mystery; x-rays taken in 1968 seemed to indicate that he may have been killed by a blow to his head, but 21st-century scientific analysis suggested he may have died after breaking a leg, possibly from infection to the wound.

His name is also rendered Tut-Ankh-amun