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How can I trace my family tree - olejnik?

Hi my family are originally from L'viv in Poland, my grandfather moved to Scotland during WWII and he never managed to find his family, any ideas how I can trace them? heard some stories about Chicago but I have no idea really. HIs name was Jan Olejnik, he served in the Polish army hence the move to Scotland, his only known surviving sibling was a brother Joseph. - Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey, I'm actually related to a large Olejnik family from the Midwest. Too cool! Probably not family, but still cool.

Anyway, the answer to your question is that the International Red Cross is the organization with a multinational staff that works to identify people separated by war. You can contact any Red Cross or Red Crescent office in the world and be connected to the War Victims Tracing Unit for your country. Here's some information:,1072,0...

They are still tracing people who were separated by WWII, particularly since the Communist bloc kept so many families separated for nearly 40 years after the war. They will help you locate relatives still living in Poland and give you a way to contact them through a translator if needed.