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Position:Home>Genealogy> Are there any other Sir names in Israel named "Christ"?


Are there any other Sir names in Israel named "Christ"?

As looking at the time of his birth, names appeared to be related to the place where they resided or their status or job in life, but "Christ" does not seem to fit in that catorgry, so does any one have the answer, for instance the three Magis : Gushnap, Casbar, Hormoz, does not seem to collate, and I know the came from East of Syria, but the most outstanding name of all time does not seem to fit in

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4 months ago
TO no one down it is because I don't read fairy tales that's why I am that dense The three Maggis that supposedly visited Christ's birth had differences with King Harrod who died 400. yrs after Christs birth!!! sort that out

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 4 months ago
TO no one down it is because I don't read fairy tales that's why I am that dense The three Maggis that supposedly visited Christ's birth had differences with King Harrod who died 400. yrs after Christs birth!!! sort that out