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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is there anyone out there under the age of 80 named Hortense?


Is there anyone out there under the age of 80 named Hortense?

I'm no spring chicken myself and growing up in the 50's I occasionally saw old movies on our black and white tv's that had female characters named Hortense. I never met a Hortense personally but I suspect that's a name that doesn't appear much on the new birth registers.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, 80 would put the birth year in 1926... Just for grins I have access to the Texas Birth Index and I put the name Hortense in and found 517 hits. The one with the latest birthday was born September 23, 1982 in Travis County which is near Austin, so she would be 24 now. There was a girl born in San Antonio with Hortense as a middle name who was born in July 1996... so apparently some one is still using it!

So, this is for one state... there are 49 more. I wouldn't use it, but I suppose there are some special grandmothers who had the name that are still being honored.