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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where does the last name "Vocha" originate from?


Where does the last name "Vocha" originate from?

I know there is a place called Vocha, Greece...but I'm not quite sure if the name is of Greek background.

I found something online saying it was Mexican, but I don't really trust it because it said the same thing to my friend about a different last name.

If anyone has any knowledge of the last name, please let me know.

[Oh, and please refrain from replying to this with useless remarks such as, "I don't know" or "Google it."]


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the name appears on this page, relating to Chechoslovakia.
By the way... I located this for you... by using google. It happens to be among the most useful search tools there is, when you really want to find something.
If THIS is your last name, you have already seen how/why some sites are unreliable. What I gave you was a lead only.. the way to be certain if your line comes from there, is to research your direct ancestors. Where a name ultimately originates may have nothing at all to do with your family history.