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How do i find my biological father?

All I know is that his name is John Taylor Jr. (googling that name is a real b*tch) He is approx. 49 yrs old. He went to the Calixto Garcia school of Medicine at the University of Havana, in Vedado Havana, Cuba, where he met my mom, and his birthday is either November 13 or 23 1958. I've tried every type of internet search, with no luck, and im becoming very sad that i will never find him. He might not even be in the US. He is originally from Jamaica. His name is so common. Please help if you can!!!! Thank You.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I use and found several of my family members. I agree with the gentleman about seeking out the Medical Board, that was an excellent suggestion. Also, go on the birth & death satistics for both countries. If he was ever in the military that's an other avenue you can try. I know it's extremely frustrating trying to locate a love one, but DON'T give up. Also, keep posting on all the genealogy sites frequently and on here. Another excellent site I use frequently is,
Good Luck!!!! Please let us know of your progress!!