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Position:Home>Genealogy> Khutsarauli, I am looking for history on this family name. The name is from Repu


Khutsarauli, I am looking for history on this family name. The name is from Republic of Georgia.?

It is an old family name in Republic of Georgia. I am looking for family history on the name and if there is any family chrest.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here is some brief background on the Republic of Georgia, to help you get a feel for where to be searching.
Here is cyndislist resources for the area.
The "fun" part (challenge) is that in Russian records, like many other countries, your research will be affected by historical events. IE, someone born in the rep. of Georgia at a given date.. the parents records will likely be under another jurisdiction, some 50 yrs before.
Normally, also has mailing lists for all parts of the world... allowing you to network with other persons who are working the same area, and will be able to give you more pointers.