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Position:Home>Genealogy> Do you have info about ancestors from the Steinau region to complete this KRESS/


Do you have info about ancestors from the Steinau region to complete this KRESS/GRESS family tree?

Grandfather | Friedrich kress, borned in Frankfurt am Main in 1894.
Great | Friedrich Kress, borned in Neustall (Steinau), Hesse/Nassau, in 1862
Great great Grandfather | Johann Georg Kress, borned in Neustall in 1811
Great great great Grandfather | Joahnn Melchior Kress, borned in Neustall in 1783
Johannes Kress, borned in Ulmbach in 1756
Johann Heinrich Kress(also Gress), borned in
Ulmbach in 1729
Johannes Gress, borned?
Melchior Gress, borned? I am looking for more info on these ancestors...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know this address is 10 years old, but have you tried hooking up with this researcher who has been working on the Kress family in Steinau? She may be a very good resource for you:

Susan Peters Zmrzel
P.O. Box 10097
Ft. Mojave, AZ 86427